About Us

Greensboro, NC is known for its lush springs, hot summers, and mild winters. For that reason, many homeowners love to spend time outdoors in their beautiful yards. If you want to transform your backyard into the perfect entertaining oasis, you should reach out to Outdoor Living of the Carolinas.
You can count on our landscape artists to dramatically improve and enhance the nature in your backyard with beautiful concrete stone panels. In fact, we are an authorized installer for ClifRock, so we know all about the innovative process for installing stone features without the mess of traditional mason work.
Easy-to-Install Stone Art for Your Outdoor Living Space
Rather than laying stone after stone, ClifRock installers can get the job done quickly and efficiently. However, you never have to worry about us compromising the appearance or durability of your stone features because we use custom-designed panels made of fiber-reinforced, polymeric concrete mix. From the profile to the color palette, you customize every part of the design for your:
- Water Features
- Fire Features
- Outdoor Kitchens
- Outdoor Living Spaces
- Stamped Concrete
- Retaining Walls
- And So Much More!
Learn More About Our ClifRock Products in Greensboro
Do you have any questions about our ClifRock installation process? If so, you should pick up the phone and contact your local authorized installer. You can speak with a helpful representative of Outdoor Living of the Carolinas, or you can submit your project details through our online form to request a free, no-obligation estimate.